The cost is $50 per couple. Simply click sign up, fill out the form, and click on the cart button in the bottom right corner. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Friday Evening
6 P.M. - Registration
6:30 P.M. - Introduction
6:45 - 7:45 P.M. Session 1 (25 minute video and discussion questions)
(Hebrew, heh-sed): Unwavering Love. The covenantal, steadfast love of God.
8 P.M. - Social — Dessert Bar
8 A.M. - Doors Open
8-9 A.M. - Continental Breakfast & Fellowship
9 A.M. Session 2 (25 minute video and discussion questions)
(Hebrew, daw-bak’): Resilient Love. Sticking with each other through the highs and lows of life.
9:45 A.M. - Break
10 A.M. Session 3 (25 minute video and discussion questions)
(Greek, ah-Gah-pahy): Selfless Love. Sacrificing one’s best for the good of another.
10:45 A.M. - Break
11 A.M. Session 4 (25 minute video and discussion questions)
(Greek, loo-o’): Forgiving Love. Setting each other free from sin and failure.
12 P.M. - Lunch — Chili Charcuterie Board
1 P.M. - Welcome Back & Announcements
1:10 P.M. Session 5 (25 minute video and discussion questions)
(Hebrew, ya-daw’): Intimate Love. Seeing everything about each other and accepting completely.
2 P.M. - Break
2:15 A.M. Session 6 (25 minute video and discussion questions)
(Greek, yoo-ang-ghel”-ee-on): Missional Love. Sending Christ-followers to those who need His love.
3 P.M. - Wrap Up (Q&A And Prayer)